
Articles and opinions on the world from the perspective of an Agorist who travels frequently (because it is harder to hit a moving target).

To discover what the Agora is and from there Agorism you could do worse than start with Wikipedia. A starting, but not an ending point …

To explain my disposition I subscribe to Karl Popper’s Falsification Mindset: What I Believe to Be True:

  • Agorism is the best political philosophy for the future of humanity

What Would Prove Me Wrong:

  • The wide scale application of Agorist principles leads to human suffering on an unprecedented scale for a prolonged period

Your comments are welcome …

Who Am I?

Here’s a glimpse into life in Singapore’s Hong Lim Park, Speaker’s Corner:

▶️ DTube

Author’s note: Apologies for what may seem odd, such as the postings all appearing in November 2021. In fact they stretch back to 2013. These articles have been copied from earlier postings I made on different platforms that presented technical issues over time (e.g. running out of ‘Steem power’ on Steemit etc.)

Also there may be some editorial anomalies such as an image being referring to the wrong paragraph – I had a lot of images to individually copy over. This may improve in time if I happen to spot and correct them.

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